Edmund Rice Choral and Musical Society Gala Concert
The Large Room,
City Hall,
Seafield Singers Gala Concert
St.John The Baptist Church,
Seafield Rd.,
Bray Churches Together
Holy Redeemer Church,Bray
Niamh Murray and Guests
“Autumn Concerts of Musical Delights”
The Mill Theatre,
Niamh Murray and Guests
“Autumn Concerts of Musical Delights”
Holy Trinity Heritage Centre,
Niamh Murray and Guests
“Autumn Concerts of Musical Delights”
Hawk’s Well Theatre,
Niamh Murray , soprano
Ronan Murray ,organist , in a fund raising concert of musical favourites.
Saturday , November 3rd
St.Joseph’s Church , Glasthule.
Tickets 10 euro at door
Charity Concert for ‘Simon’
Niamh will sing in and present a charity concert with The Garda Band , The Garda Ladies Choir and St. Anne’s Children’s Choir , Shankill , Dublin.
The Church of Adam and Eve , Merchant’s Quay , Dublin.
Hospice ‘ Light up a Life ‘
Niamh will , once again , be singing in this wonderful fundraising event for Our Lady’s Hospice , Harold’s Cross in the grounds of the hospice.
Event from 3pm till 6pm
Christmas Festival at the National Concert Hall
Dublin County Choir will present its ever popular festive concert at the National Concert Hall with guests including
The Billie Barry Kids and of course yours truly singing and presenting the show
Christmas Musical Soiree
Niamh will be singing alongside the wonderful baritone voices of Austin Gaffney and Philip Byrne in what promises to be a memorable evening of Christmas cheer and song.
Aughrim ,Co. Wicklow.
Christmas Festival at the Helix
Dublin County Choir will present , once again , its wonderful Christmas Concert with guests including The Billie Barry Kids and yours truly singing and presenting the show (as seen at the N.C.H Dec 8th )
The Helix, Dublin
Christmas Carol Concert
A special fundraising concert for the Augustinians in St. John’s Lane Church , Dublin , with guests including the Phoenix Singers and yours truly.
The Joe Duffy Christmas Eve Show
Joe Duffy will , once again , be presenting his wonderful Christmas Eve Radio Show from Grafton Street . This is a real favourite with all the listeners and shoppers who are treated to great craic and memorable music . I have been so lucky to have been a guest singing in this event for the last number of years…..no different this year!!!!! Hopefully you will be there to join us and loads more surprise guests from 9 am to 11 am.
Christmas Eve Mass (Bray )
The Holy Redeemer Church , Bray ,is the church where my late father , Ciaran , was organist for more than 43 years…..for many of those years I sang with his choir and in his memory I have continued to sing at Christmas with this special choir in this beautiful church.
Mass usually starts at 9pm…hopefully you will be there too!!
Christmas Eve Mass (Glasthule)
My brother , Ronan , is the organist in St. Joseph’s Church , Glasthule . On Christmas Eve I try my best to sing the ever popular ,’O Holy Night’…it is always a bit of a rush to get from the Mass in Bray but so far I have managed to make it!!!
The choir and of course the organ music are truly superb for this special occasion. The Mass usually starts at 10 pm
100 Years of the Pioneer Musical Society
The Pioneer Musical Society will be celebrating 100 years in existence in a special celebratory concert at the National Concert Hall , Dublin…featuring music from all the most popular shows and operettas , including Calamity Jane , Les Miserables and The Merry Widow…with yours truly singing the role of The Merry Widow . Guests will include Austin Gaffney and Bryan Hoey and ,of course ,the fine chorus of the Pioneer Musical Sociey in what promises to be a wonderful evening of song and dance.
Tickets available from the N.C.H.
8 pm start.
Let’s Go Singing Studio Gala Concert
Maire Ledwith Butler is back again in the National Concert Hall, Dublin , for another fabulous evening of music from her talented students from ‘The Maire Ledwith Butler School of Music’….every year this concert proves to be very popular due to its high quality and memorable performances….fearturing music from the world of opera , musical and operetta.
Yours truly will be singing as guest artiste as well as introducing the whole proceedings …..so expect lots of fun too!!!
Tickets available from the N.C.H.
8 pm start
Bray Churches Together
Celebrating another year for this wonderful event which takes place as always in The Holy Redeemer Church, Bray , Co.Wicklow .
Featuring The Stedfast Brass Band
Choir and Soloists including yours truly
Start 8pm
Bloomsday Celebrations
An evening of song and story featuring the works of James Joyce presented by actors and singers….including yours truly.
Dalkey Heritage Centre, Co.Dublin.
Start 8pm
Recital with organ and soprano . St. John’s Church , Kilkenny
The Church of St.John boasts a very fine organ , recently reburished , which will be heard to great effect when played by Ronan Murray ….my brother . I shall be joining him for the soprano solos….repertoire will include works by ,
Start 3pm
Rotary International Conference , Sligo
A very special musical evening to be held on this night for Rotary International as they celebrate all their great work in all walks of life.
Radisson Hotel , Sligo
The Stedfast Association Present Gala Concert in aid of the Laura Lyn Foundation
The venue will be St.Andrew’s College , Booterstown , for this lovely evening of music and fun to raise funds for the very worthy Laura Lyn Foundation.
Venue…St.Andrew’s College , Booterstown.
An Evening with Dublin County Choir
A wonderful evening of Classical music from the world of opera and oratorio featuring Faure’s Requiem will be presented by Dublin County Choir.
Venue…ST.Therese’s Church , Mt. Merrion.
Console Concert
Maynooth is the venue for this special evening of popular and Christmas music to raise funds for Console …a group which does such trojan work for the victims of suicide.
Venue.. Maynooth College Chapel.
Time 3pm
Dublin County Choir Gala Concert
Another year is upon us….once again this very popular choir will sing in the N.C.H……presenting the Billie Barry Children and of course ,yours truly.
Seafield Singers Gala Christmas Concert
A lovely evening to be promised by this wonderful group of people who have raised so much money for charity through the years.
Venue,,,St. John’s Church,Seafield Road , Clontarf.
Dublin County Gala Christmas Concert
Once again Dublin County Choir will present their special Christmas concert at the Helix to sell out audiences….featuring the Billie Barry Children and of course yours truly !!
Venue,,,Helix , Dublin
Hospice…Light Up A Life
This very moving occasion will , once again , be presented in the grounds of Our Lady of Lourdes’ Hospice , Harold’s Cross.
Time….from 3pm to 6pm
Christmas Eve Mass from the Holy Redeeemer Church , Bray
Christmas Eve Mass will be broadcast from the Holy Redeemer Church , Bray , Co. Wicklow….This Church holds alot of significance for me as my beloved Grandfather and Father were so much associated with its music …indeed my wonderful Dad was the Church organist and director of the choir there for 43 years before he passed on to his heavenly abode. R.I.P.
Venue…R.T.E.1 television
Joe Duffy Christmas Eve Show
I have enjoyed many years of singing on Joe Duffy’s Christmas Eve Show broadcast on R.T.E. radio 1 outside the Bailey Pub just off Grafton Street.
There is always great craic and fun and ceol ….I love being a part of it all….see you there or tune into the radio show.
Venue R.T.E. radio 1
Time 9am to 11am
Maynooth Choral Concert
Maynooth University Choral Society with the Dublin Baroque Players and yours truly will be performing two magnificent choral works….Schubert’s Mass in B flat, Op.141 and Brahms’ German Requiem.
The venue will be the College Chapel .
Time 4pm
Maire Ledwith Butler Singing Studio
Another year is upon us and once again this lovely concert is being presented by Maire and her very talented students along with yours truly in what promises to be an evening of fun and song featuring all your favourites from the world of opera and musicals….even the music of Abba will feature….just think of that great feel good film Mammia Mia !!!!
The venue will be the N.C.H.
Time 8pm
National Children’s Choir
April 22nd,23rd,24th,27th,28th,29th,30th will hear the voices of hundreds of Primary School children as they sing their hearts out in this wonderful event. Featuring myself and full orchestra as they sing and play popular songs.
The venue will be the basketball arena ,Tallaght
Blackrock Hospice Fundraiser
The doors of Blackrock Hospice will be held open to welcome all to come and see the wonderful work being done here as well as hearing some singing from yours truly….there will be magnificent garden displays on view. Venue Blackrock Hospice.
Time…early morning to late afternoon !
Dublin County Choir Christmas Festival
Once again it is that time of the year when Dublin County Choir present their very popular concert at the N.C.H…..a concert full of fun and variety and featuring yours truly…singing and doing all the introductions and telling the funny stories !!! Guests also include the Billie Barry Children and the R.I.A.M. wind ensemble….so come along for some wonderful entertainment.
Matinee 3pm
Evening 8pm
National Concert Hall,Dublin
The Seafield Singers ,Christmas Concert
This lovely choir will perform its Christmas Concert in St.John the Baptist Church,Seafield Road , Clontarf.
A mixture of carols old and new and of course very melodious tunes will be performed to set you off in the right
spirit for Christmas. I shall be ,as usual ,singing and compering for the evening… an honour I always enjoy.
8pm St.John the Baptist Church, Seafield road ,Clontarf
Carol Service
A short evening of uplifting music featuring all your favourite carols will be presented in the Augustinian Church, John’s Lane,Dublin,after 6pm Mass with choirs and yours truly.
Derek Mooney Show RTE Radio 1
Tune in between 3pm and 4.30pm to hear yours truly singing to very special people , from a very special house….a closely guarded secret at the moment….you’ll have to listen in to find out!!!!
The Joe Duffy Christmas Show RTE Radio 1
As usual Joe will be presenting his wonderful Christmas show from Duke Street just off Grafton Street. This event has become a part of the festivities of Christmas Eve as experienced by the shoppers who enjoy the last day of shopping before that special day.Tune in between 9am and 11am to hear all the fun and laughter….better still…come along to see us all in the flesh so to speak….fabulous guests on hand with loads of surprises!!!
Let’s Go Singing Gala Concert
It is so hard to believe that another year has come upon us since last I sang in and presented this lovely melodious concert full of hardworking young people guided by their mentor and singing teacher Maire Ledwith Butler.
Venue; National Concert Hall
Time; 7.30pm
Summertime Recital
This is my final year of my Master’s in Maynooth College…MA in Performance and Musicology… and my subject matter for my Thesis and final recital in Maynooth is the renowned nineteenth cenury mezzo-soprano Pauline Garcia-Viardot(1821-1910). This French diva of Spanish origin was a most interesting and gifted singer and composer who influenced the lives and works of such luminaries as; Turgenev, de Musset, Sand, Faure, Gounod, Schumann, Berlioz….the list goes on and on.
It gives me immense pleasure to present my Master’s Recital programme in St.Bartholomew’s Church in this year of the centenary of the death of Pauline Garcia-Viardot. The repertoire will feature her own compositions as well as some of those composers who were influenced by her….Faure,Schumann, Gounod.
To add even more spice to the evening, my brother, Ronan, will play some organ pieces by Widor…keeping in with the French flavour!
Venue: St.bartholomew’s Church, Clyde Road
Time: 7pm
Cost: 10 euro
Niamh Murray Soprano performs the beautiful music of Pauline Garcia-Viardot
For my Final Recital for my Masters in Performance and Musicology at Maynooth, College, it gives me great pleasure to perform the music of this wonderful lady, Pauline Garcia-Viardot….a stellar figure in the world of music in the nineteenth century. This multi- talented diva of the operatic stage influenced the lives of so many luminaries of the literary and musical world …such as Faure, Gounod, Schumann, Massenet, Meyerbeer and Turgenev most of all. I shall sing some of her own compositions as well as compositions written by some composers who were influenced by her…Faure,Schumann and Gounod.
Venue: Riverstown Hall,Maynooth College
Time: 6.30pm
Fundraising Concert for Bray Cancer Society
In the Church of The Holy Redeemer, Bray, a wonderful evening of entertainment is to be enjoyed to help raise funds for such a worthy cause as the Bray Cancer Society which has done so much over the past number of years in helping people through the difficult times when this illness strikes.
The show starts at 8pm and features yours truly along with the exuberant tenor Bryan Hoey and a host of wonderful artists and choirs.
November 5th
An Evening of Classical Music
Once again the wonderful Dublin County Choir will host a memorable evening of song featuring the beautiful Requiem by Rutter as well as a selection from the worlds of opera , musical and operetta. The whole evening is in aid of The St. Vincent de Paul Society and costs 12 euro.
The venue is St. John’s Church, Ballimteer at 8pm on November 6th
Concert for Console
Maynooth will once again hear the dulcet tones of a variety of top class Irish artistes including yours truly, performing to support this wonderful organisation of Console which offers help to those who have been bereaved through suicide.
Sunday November 28th at 4pm in the College Chapel of Maynooth is the time and the venue
A Festival of Song and Dance
Dublin County Choir is regarded as one of Ireland’s foremost choirs and will present its annual special concert at the National Concert Hall with yours truly singing and presenting this most enjoyable evening which as usual features the marvellous Billie Barry Children and a host of stars but …..principally YOURSELVES !!!! This always proves to be a sell out so get your tickets as soon as possible.
December 5th Matinee 3pm and same evening 8pm in the NCH
Let’s Go Singing Gala Concert
Another year has come upon us…hard to believe that we are back in the National Concert Hall for this entertaining evening of song and dance presented by and featuring yours truly….along with the students from The Maire Ledwith Butler Singing Studio.
Time 8pm
Venue NCH
An Evening of Song with the Seafield Singers
I love singing with this lovely choir formed several years ago by the wonderful baritone, William Young, RIP. Alison Young his very musical wife has taken over and has done wonders with the choir….come and hear us all in song.
Venue John the Baptist Church Seafield Road, Clontarf
Time 8pm
The Variety Club of Ireland
Great night to be had by one and all in this special night to honour one of Ireland’s funniest men, Sil Fox.
Venue Mansion House
Time 8pm
Fundraiser for Ballinteer Church, John the Evangelist
The Seafield Singers as well as the Church Gospel choir along with yours truly will entertain the audience in a bid to fundraise for the Church roof….an evening of fun and quality music to be promised !!!
Venue Church of John the Evangelist
Time 8pm
Lunchtime Recital in Maynooth College
An afternoon of song presented my moi, featuring the music of Faure, Gounod, Schumann as well as the music of Pauline Garcia Viardot…a most interesting sing and composer who was born in 1821.
Venue Riverstown House, Maynooth College
Time 1pm
Pitch Perfect
Each Monday for the next eight weeks I shall be presenting a musical programme ‘as Gaeilge’ which will feature singers from all around the country who were auditioned by myself and another mentor called Colm O Foghlu. Hundreds applied to take part in this programme but only a lucky few were chosen with the ultimate goal being to sing at the All-Ireland Football Championships in Croke Park before an audience of 82,000 people !!!
Follow the progress and all the trials and tribulations along that wonderful journey each Monday on television TG4 at 8pm
The Derek Mooney Show RTE 1 Radio
I have been very lucky to have been asked to appear on the Derek Mooney Radio Show down through the years and on Wednesday I shall be singing once more on the show when it is broadcast from the Wexford Festival Opera Theatre….(a place in which I have sung through the years also)… to celebrate the start of the Operatic Season for this year. Tune in to RTE 1 radio from 3pm to 4.30pm
Gala Concert
A wonderful evening will no doubt be had by one and all with the Garda Ladies Choir, The Garda Male Voice Choir, Margaret Eustace(mezzo soprano), Kylemore College String Ensemble, The Garda Band, and yours truly who will sing as well as MC !!!….all performing together in a bid to fundraise for The Special Olympics, Ireland
Gala Concert in Rochestown Cork
Another evening will ring out with the strains of the singing of The Cork Male Voice Choir along with yours truly in this always special fundraising concert.
Venue St Patrick’s Church, Rochestown, Cork
Time 8pm
Dublin County Choir Christmas Concert
Christmas would not be the same for me or for many others were it not for the Dublin County Choir and their always fantastic presentation of music, song and dance featuring the Billie Barry School and myself and of course the beautiful singing of the choir.
Venue National Concert Hall
Time 3pm and 8pm
Lyons Club of Ireland Concert
Fundraising concert for the Lyons Club of Ireland with a Christmas feel…. full of music and fun. Venue Killiney Castle
Christmas with the Lismore Singers
A lovely concerto be held over three days in the beautiful Lismore Castle featuring myself and the choir, Lismore Singers.
Venue Lismore Castle
Time 7.30pm
Saturday 10th, Sunday 11th, Monday 12th.
Women and the 19th Century Lied
A most interesting conference to be held over three days in Maynooth College featuring the works of women composers in the 19th century. Lectures and performances will feature throughout the weekend of December 9th, 10th, 11th. with my own perfomance/lecture based on the work of Pauline Garcia Viardot taking place on Saturday 10th at 2pm.
Venue Maynooth College.
Check College for details regarding times and programme content